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Entrepreneur of the Year!

Jan 2025 has started with good news for Kumar BM and the MLBrains team!

Kumar BM has just won the ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ award for his startup that helps small and mid-size companies to become AI-enabled in quick time. This has been an exciting journey filled with lots of ups and downs, challenges, determination and happy moments.

Kumar worked with corporates as a Technology Marketer & Growth Hacker for over seventeen years in B2B and B2C companies and Start-ups. But he had been planning to start off on his own. Finally, in end of 2020 he and his cofounder started MLBrains, a company enabling mid-size companies to become AI-enabled. Mid-size companies always find it difficult to implement AI projects as they do not have the right team or the resources to hire such Data-scientists and have limited budgets.

The initial period was tough as getting business was difficult as many companies had cut down budgets due to the impact of COVID-19. But they persisted and started off with small projects. They hired a few trainees and worked hard to deliver the projects.

Growing revenue was still difficult as the mid-size companies had limited paying capabilities. They kept working hard despite these issues. Slowly, the revenue started growing. A lot of their new orders comes from happy clients who refer other companies. Currently they work with over 10,000 clients and employ over 1000 people generating over $200 Mn in revenues with offices spread across many countries.

He has dedicated this award to his parents & family, who stood by him throughout this journey.

He is an original thinker who shares his learnings with other new founders and colleagues. He frequently shares new ideas and his life-lessons on LinkedIn and Twitter. He is an active angel investor and mentor too and has invested in a few startups that have gone on to become very successful.

In his spare time, he likes to spend time with his family. He keeps himself healthy by meditating daily and doing yoga.

He feels that success is defined by how many lives one impacts positively. As part of the same, he supports a few NGOs that work on helping the under-privileged. He also believes that the earth needs to be taken care of and has been active in promoting green energy initiatives like solar and wind energy.

This is inspiring many others to start AI and other deep-tech companies in India, which can compete globally and win. When one is determined and works hard, dreams do come true!

Note: This futuristic vision is part of the Digital Deepak Internship Program, but will be true very soon.

Who Am I?

Hi! I am Kumar. I work with a telecom company in UAE in Tariff & Revenue Planning. I have been using Excel for over 20 years now.  

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